
Showing posts from December, 2019

The New Way To Run A High School Wrestling Tournament

What is the purpose of the Saturday individual high school wrestling tournament? Fun is one purpose that cannot be ignored regardless of sport. The sport itself should be fun and therefore a tournament should maximize fun and avoid things that make it less fun (when possible). High School athletics are supposed to enhance the education process, so the event should not detract from that purpose either. Last but not least high school tournaments are about development and getting better.  Most schools don't run them in a way that supports these purposes. Seeding meetings become dog fights, award ceremonies are dragged out like it's a National event, and the day drags on and on sometimes past 12 hours. So when it came time to running my own tournament, I set a few goals in order to do things differently. Start on time-This shouldn't be a big problem, but every tournament every weekend starts late. The coaches meeting goes on forever because of debating over seeding. Pre-Seeding...

One of the Best Saturdays of the Year!

I sat in my usual spot on the Saturday before Christmas : Top Row, Back against the Wall in an Oakland County Gym. The National Anthem echoing, the smell of fresh Popcorn and sweat in the air ! I have sat in this spot for about 40 years, off-and-on. The Saturday before Christmas is almost always the weekend of the Oakland County Wrestling Tournament, actually nicknamed by some "The Christmas Tournament". I participated in it a bunch of years ago, not to any acclaim. But since then I have come to appreciate all that it means to some folks, even those who have "No Skin In the Game", like myself. The schools who Host these events always have run a GREAT Tourney : Clean Facilities, well attended, mats moving along at a quick pace, sometimes at TOO quick of a pace, causing hold-ups for Wrestler Time Issues. The Teams who participate are always some of the best in the State and a few times are actually THE best in the State. (Shout out to the 2011 Oxford Wildcats !!) My f...

If you’re backing up, you’re losing!

Push the pace. Set the tone. Force your style. Don’t hesitate….. All things a wrestler should think as he approaches the center of the mat before each match. Cast doubt and indecisiveness aside. Demonstrate confidence and aggression and take the win from your opponent. Don’t wait for it to be handed to you.   This is a  winner’s  mentality.  Great wrestlers don’t wait to take advantage of their  opponent’s ’ mistakes. They force mistakes by their  opponent  by demonstrating an attacking unforgiving style and pace onto them.  Great wrestler s  don’t ask permission to score.  They score quickly and often and dominate their  opponent  in every way. There is a fine line between arrogance and confidence. The greats walk that line and can stray one side to the other but ultimately always find the middle of the road.  Many Champions, even the “humble” one s , have a little swagger. You have to believe you are the best for others ...